Cloud-Based Nicotine Testing
The IntelliQuit mobile app enables cloud-based nicotine monitoring for all tobacco users including for the first time JUUL® pod vaporizers and other E cigarettes also known as electronic nicotine delivery devices.
Many smokers are switching to vaping and knowing the amount of nicotine consumed before and after is helpful. Many e-cigarette consumers use vaping as a quitting attempt or substitute for quitting. The IntelliQuit Mobile App quantifies nicotine consumption from all sources of nicotine and tobacco including smokeless tobacco, heat not burn tobacco products and nicotine replacement medications.
Seventy percent (70%) of American smokers want to stop and 72,000 attempt to quit each day. Despite this large daily quitting volume, only 8% to 12% of smokers prefer abrupt quit interventions (quitting now). Many more smokers prefer to cut down or reduce and then stop and many prefer to switch to vaping as an alternative or substitute to quitting.
The IntelliQuit Mobile App is the first smartphone technology which biochemically measures nicotine consumption from all sources and assists switching, cutting down or quitting.
When you measure it you can change it. When you measure it you can control it. The IntelliQuit mobile app enables both the tobacco consumer and health professional to monitor progress. Counting cigarettes or pods is inadequate and biochemically inaccurate.
As Featured in Pulmonology Advisor
Matthew Bars of Intelliquit talked with the editors at Pulmonology Advisor about our Mobile App.
The IntelliQuit Mobile App (Go to the App Store) enables cloud-based nicotine monitoring for all tobacco users including for the 1st time JUUL® pod vaporizers and other e-cigarettes also known as electronic nicotine delivery devices.
Many smokers are switching to vaping and knowing the amount of nicotine consumed before and after is helpful. The IntelliQuit Mobile App also quantifies nicotine consumption from all sources of nicotine and tobacco including smokeless tobacco, heat not burn tobacco products and nicotine replacement medications.
The IntelliQuit Mobile App enables cloud-based nicotine monitoring for all tobacco users and their health care providers. For the 1st time JUUL® pod vaporizers, other e-cigarettes {electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDS)}, combustible tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, pipes), smokeless tobacco & nicotine replacement medications can all be measured via an FDA cleared, CLIA waived technology.
The cloud-based IntelliQuit smartphone nicotine assay accurately measures all forms of tobacco & nicotine consumption (Total Nicotine Equivalents-TNEs) in nanomoles per milliliter (nmoles/ml). Conversion to nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) is available. Measuring TNEs quantifies baseline and follow-up consumption aiding treatment planning. Our assay is FDA cleared and CLIA waived and provides accurate measurements to titrate tobacco treatment medications