Smoke Beat-Real-Time Remote Smoking Monitor Platform to Improve Your Quitting Efforts
Smoke Beat-Real-Time Remote Smoking Monitor Platform to Improve Your Quitting Efforts
Smoke Beat-Real-Time Remote Smoking Monitor Platform to Improve Your Quitting Efforts

Smoke Beat-Real-Time Remote Smoking Monitor Platform to Improve Your Quitting Efforts

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Smoke Beat tracks your smoking patterns using patented gesture detection from a wrist-based wearable for completely passive data collection.  We provide powerful reporting of your tobacco smoking to help with you reach your goals.  We use machine learning and AI for personalized algorithms; both powerful tools to empower you.  Considered by FDA as a Clinical Decision Support System and may be covered by your health insurance.

Clinically validated results

What SmokeBeat Does For You:                                                                                          

High Visibility of your smoking behaviors such as reduction in cigarettes, number of puffs, geospatial smoking data (where you smoke), and time of day of your smoking all help understand what's working to help you and what's not.   

Price includes one (1) Smoke Beat wrist wearable and one (1) month of smoking monitoring.  The price of each additional month is $45.00.  Smoking monitoring may be covered by your health insurance.